
Inez had a ‘triggerthumb’: it is caused by a nodule in the tendon as it passes through the tunnel at the base of her thumb. In her case it is a congenital defect, and she had to undergo a minor surgery. But because she’s only 3 years old, she had to be totally anaesthetised.
I can tell you : mother had been more afraid than the child!
But she did very very well! 5 hours after the surgery we were home and she started painting, colouring, making jigsaws,…
Actually she adored all of the attention and ‘staying home from school’!

6 gedachtes over “Triggerfinger

  1. mayaluna zegt:

    These photos would wrench any mother’s heart! I’m so happy to hear that it went well, and to see that last shot of your lovely daughter… coloring away. Hope YOU are recovering, as well.


  2. Lucy Locket-Pocket zegt:

    What a brave and lovely little girl! I remember when Dorothy had to have her tonsils and adenoids out aged 3 under general anaesthetic – it’s horrible for the parents but the children seem amazingly resilient! I hope she gets better really quickly and that the operation is a big success! Lucy x


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